Posted on: Tue, 04/23/2024

By: Kendal Enz

In this installment of our series on technological innovation at the American Arbitration Association® (AAA®), we explore the transformative power of AI in marketing with Jason Cabrera, AAA manager of marketing automation, and Bridget McCormack, AAA president and CEO. They discuss the creation and application of AI-driven marketing personas, offering insights into how these advanced tools are reshaping client engagement and service

Posted on: Tue, 03/19/2024

By: Kendal Enz

The American Arbitration Association-International Center for Dispute Resolution® (AAA-ICDR
®) recently launched its Women Panelist Resource Group, an initiative designed to enhance the role of women in alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The program will cultivate a supportive community

Posted on: Tue, 03/19/2024

By: Kendal Enz

In continuing recognition of International Women's Day earlier this month, the AAA is proud to spotlight Katie Gonzalez, a distinguished advocate in international arbitration and a pivotal figure within the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (AAA-ICDR®). Gonzalez, whose career has spanned various geographies with a focus on Latin America, operates as a senior

Posted on: Tue, 03/12/2024

By: Kendal Enz

In our ongoing series on technological innovation at the American Arbitration Association® (AAA®), we delve into how our employees are pioneering emerging technologies to enhance our work and address complex challenges. Today’s feature is a conversation with Miroslava Schierholz, AAA-International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (AAA-ICDR®) assistant vice president of the ICDR Case Management Centre, and Bridget McCormack,