
Posted on: Tue, 08/10/2021

By: Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq., Vice President, AAA® Commercial Division
      Mansi Karol, Esq., Director of ADR Services, AAA

In-person arbitrations and mediations are back at the AAA-ICDR®

Read on for some insights and advice gleaned from in-person arbitrations and

Posted on: Mon, 07/12/2021

By: Lisa Romeo, Director of ADR Services, AAA® Commercial Division

The days of back-alley sales of “weed,” “mary jane,” and all the other slang expressions for marijuana are over in a growing number of states; adult-use cannabis, or recreational marijuana, is big business—and a fast-growing arbitration caseload.

Posted on: Tue, 06/15/2021

By: Kelly Turner, Esq., Senior Counsel, AAA® and John Bishop, Vice President, Commercial Division, AAA

An arbitrator typically has the duty to disclose any circumstance likely to give rise to justifiable doubt as to the arbitrator’s impartiality or independence.  Arbitrators face a difficult challenge when trying to make the “perfect” disclosure, balancing the need for completeness and transparency against protecting the confidentiality of prior arbitrations and mediations and of entities not part of the current proceeding. 

In writing disclosures,

Posted on: Thu, 04/22/2021

By: Frank Binda, Assistant Vice President, AAA® Labor, Elections, and Employment 

A matter of urgent need arose in late January 2021, with a school district’s decision to resume in-person schooling by February 1. The affected public-sector union did not agree that their constituent schools were prepared to resume in-person classroom activity. An expedited arbitration resolved the matter in 10 days.

Here’s how it unfolded:

Day One

  • The union issued a demand requesting an expedited arbitration to prevent