
Posted on: Thu, 02/17/2022

By: Svetlana Gitman, Esq., Vice President, AAA® Commercial Division

Adopting a diversity pledge (for example, the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion) is not the only way that companies and organizations can create a diverse workplace. Utilizing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to handle disputes provides an opportunity for parties to give real meaning to their pledge to

Posted on: Tue, 01/25/2022

Large complex energy-related disputes are resolved successfully through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) —and not necessarily just the highly visible ones grabbing the public’s attention, such as pipeline accidents and power outages.

In the dynamic global energy sector, disputes between and within energy companies arise from any number of sources—commercial issues; construction, real estate, and

Posted on: Mon, 11/29/2021

By: Linda L. Beyea, Vice President, AAA® Construction Division

At no time in history has arbitration been more impacted by digital technologies. While email and electronic documents already were commonplace, and video technology had been making strides for years, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the transition to remote

Posted on: Tue, 09/28/2021

By: Kelly Turner, Esq., Senior Counsel, AAA® and John Bishop, Vice President, Commercial Division, AAA

The post The Importance of Timely Arbitrator Disclosures (6/15/21) discussed the importance of an arbitrator’s making timely disclosures, whether at the time of appointment or during the pendency of the case. This post focuses more specifically on an arbitrator’s obligation to make