
Posted on: Wed, 06/30/2021

Community disputes can present dynamics far more complex than a lawsuit or mediation session. Solutions require consensus building, a process that empowers engaged residents to take ownership of the situation and start a conversation that continues to grow within the community. Communities, educational institutions, governmental bodies—any group can learn to use innovative approaches to resolve conflict.

In the Hudson River-bank village of Piermont,

Posted on: Thu, 05/27/2021

Purposeful Preparation: The 10 Essential Mediator Skills
By: Harold Coleman, Jr., Esq., CCA, Senior Vice President, AAA-ICDR®; Executive Director/Mediator, AAA®

Mediation Mind Shifts are the critical, incremental shifts in thinking that must occur to move people embroiled in conflict from entrenched, diametrically opposed positions at the outset of mediation toward the goal of resolution at the end. 

Posted on: Mon, 11/30/2020

The REAL Role of Counsel in Mediation
By: Harold Coleman, Jr., Esq., CCA, Senior Vice President, AAA-ICDR®; Executive Director/Mediator,

Posted on: Tue, 09/08/2020

By: Andrew Barton, Vice President, AAA-ICDR® and Lance K. Tanaka, Vice President, AAA-ICDR

Though most traditional sporting events have been decimated by an operational shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many might think that eSports are immune given the nature of online, or virtual, competition. However, businesses involved in the eSports industry feel the impact of the loss of revenue